======================== Customize the design ======================== By setting the html_theme_options in your conf.py, you can change the look and feel some flexibility. Because it contains an example of a simple configuration, please try to be helpful. Sidebar layout ======================== Right sidebar ------------------------------- If you want to place sidebar to the right, please change "rightsidebar" option. :: html_theme_options = { 'rightsidebar': True, } .. figure:: _static/img/rightsidebar.png :width: 50% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/rightsidebar.png Figure1: right sidebar Change sidebar width ------------------------------- If you want to change the width of the sidebar, please change "sidebar_span" option. Using `a Grid system of Twitter Bootstrap `_. :: html_theme_options = { 'sidebar_span': 6, # 1(min) - 12(max) } .. figure:: _static/img/sidebar_span.png :width: 50% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/sidebar_span.png Figure2: change sidebar with No sidebar ------------------------------- :: html_theme_options = { 'nosidebar': True, } .. figure:: _static/img/nosidebar.png :width: 50% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/nosidebar.png Figure3: no sidebar Fixed layout ======================== Fixed width of Navigation Bar ----------------------------- :: html_theme_options = { 'nav_fixed': True, 'nav_width': '700px', } .. figure:: _static/img/navbar_fixed.png :width: 90% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/navbar_fixed.png Figure4: navbar fixed fixed with of Content Area ----------------------------- :: html_theme_options = { 'content_fixed': True, 'content_width': '700px', } .. figure:: _static/img/content_fixed.png :width: 90% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/content_fixed.png Figure5: content fixed Inverse color ======================== :: html_theme_options = { 'header_inverse': True, 'relbar_inverse': True, } .. figure:: _static/img/navbar_inverse.png :width: 60% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/navbar_inverse.png Figure6: inverse color Responsive design ======================== .. figure:: _static/img/smartphone.png :width: 70% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/smartphone.png Figure7: responsive design If you want to quit Responsive design, please set to True "noresponsive" option. :: html_theme_options = { 'noresponsive': True, } Inner design theme ======================== * `Bootswatch `_ design themes are available. * `Geo `_ design themes are available. :: html_theme_options = { 'inner_theme': True, 'inner_theme_name': 'bootswatch-amelia', } .. figure:: _static/img/bootswatch-amelia.png :width: 60% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/bootswatch-amelia.png Figure8: inner theme * avalible inner themes * bootswatch-amelia * bootswatch-cerulean * bootswatch-cosmo * bootswatch-cyborg * bootswatch-journal * bootswatch-readable * bootswatch-simplex * bootswatch-slate * bootswatch-solar (bootstrap_version 3 only) * bootswatch-spacelab * bootswatch-paper (bootstrap_version 3 only) * bootswatch-sandstone (bootstrap_version 3 only) * bootswatch-spruce (bootstrap_version 2 only) * bootswatch-superhero * bootswatch-united * bootswatch-darkly(bootstrap_version 3 only) * bootswatch-flatly * bootswatch-lumen (bootstrap_version 3 only) * bootswatch-yeti(bootstrap_version 3 only) * geo-bootstrap (bootstrap_version 2 only) Web Font ======================== `Google Web Fonts `_ are available. :: html_theme_options = { 'googlewebfont': True, 'googlewebfont_url': 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Text+Me+One', 'googlewebfont_style': "font-family: 'Text Me One', sans-serif", } .. figure:: _static/img/webfont.png :width: 60% :figclass: figure-polaroid :align: center :target: _images/webfont.png Figure9: webfont Font Icon ======================== `Font Awesome `_ are available. Please write in this format. :: * :fonticon:`fa fa-home` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-large` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-muted` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-spin` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border icon-2x` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border icon-3x` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border icon-4x` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-large` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-muted` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-spin` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border fa-2x` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border fa-3x` * :fonticon:`fa fa-home fa-border fa-4x`